The power of your mind

Everyone knows that before any good plan you must have good preparation. How do you prepare yourself to change long term habits which are not serving you. Your first step in achieving something new is before you even move off the sofa, it's in your mind. This is not groundbreaking to say but this is often the barrier in which people tell themselves they cannot do something and fail to get to step two, being action. 

This is by no means revolutionary and you may think about changing your habits or wanting to get into fitness but we have a lot of thoughts in a day which just pass through. As humans we all have to accept change and be willing to be flexible to a certain level in order to move through life with comfort and ease. However, once you accept that change is not just happening to you but you are eliciting it if you want to. Everything actionable starts with just an idea, allow that idea to develop into your life and nurture it with the habits surrounding it. Change can be exciting but also scary, but you are in the driving seat and get to decide how fast you want to travel. I have found that the most successful people in their fitness and training journeys, this does not mean the people who just look amazing but the people who are truly happy and have a positive relationship with themselves and their exercise routine, these people are normally always the people who are internally positive. 

Being internally positive is extremely difficult because we are all our own worst critics and so quick to tear ourselves down. The truth is if anyone else spoke to you the way I’ve seen people speak about themselves they would not be associating with that person! So if our ideas of change for our lives are coming from within and fighting this internal voice of criticism it is no wonder it stays as just that, an idea. 

Something small you can start doing to use the power of your mind efficiently is counteracting negative thoughts with positive thoughts, stopping yourself when you notice that you are tearing yourself down unconstructively. Allowing any ideas of change to take shape by taking actionable steps to facilitate and nurture this. This is simple to do but to maintain, next time you catch yourself telling yourself you cannot do something, start to break down these barriers between you and this thing you ‘cannot do’ and start to create a plan to get there as if getting there is a non negotiable. 

Change can be slow and steady and to find longevity you can’t rush into changing large parts of your life overnight but understanding and allowing things to be a slower transition sometimes comes out in the form of procrastination. If you are looking to really start to change your life to find balance and take a health and habit focused approach then I would keep your eyes peeled for the next few weeks… I am going to be launching something to help you start to build some really healthy and strong foundations for your life.