It's cool to care
I remember saying to a girl I had just met in the gym ‘nothing will give you the same confidence as feeling strong’, fast forward 6 months and we are great friends and she has started training and is feeling her most confident self.
It's so easy to tear yourself down but we never seem to want to raise ourselves up. Why is that? Because it's easier to not be things and to not to try to be something we think is great. A much bigger risk of failing or not reaching our perceptions. A small way I practice this in my life is in training sessions when I move up to a new weight or exceed a rep pb in a set, welcome the challenge but without a doubt in mind, back yourself. You are only wrong when proven so, give yourself the best chance to be right.
Having small mental challenges and overcoming them daily has made me the most confident in and out of the gym than I ever have been. Once you allow yourself to let yourself grow without judgment then you’re laughing, its you against you.
There is a reason fitness is addictive, exercise releases endorphins or commonly known as ‘happy hormones’. The body releases these to help relieve pain from aching muscles, improve your sense of wellbeing and release stress. These are the same hormones released in other pleasurable activities such as laughter, sex and meditation. If nothing else exercise can be seen as dedicated time to distract you from potentially stressful situations and time where your sole purpose is to focus on improving and bettering yourself.
I see this alot in my clients where they will label themselves as something and almost put themselves into a box, even if they say they want to change. This could be, ‘I’m not strong enough’, ‘I can’t run that far’, ‘I’m a snacker’, you get the idea. Our focus is strength today and I’m here to be your biggest cheerleader to help you make change.
The moral of this story is that you are the biggest person in your own way and you are also your biggest hype! Let yourself care about things, push yourself, make yourself uncomfortable, let yourself grow. It's cool to care.