All or nothing approach? The benefits or leaning into your habits.
Fitness is not a one size fits all, despite what your favorite influencers would like you to think. Just because someone you know lost a ton of weight doing some crazy diet or workout routine does not mean it will work for you. Tough pill to swallow but if we all did the same workout routine and ate the same meals, we’d still all look different. I’ll let that sit with you.
So where do you start if not trying something you’ve seen or heard someone you know doing? Or maybe you have started but struggle to find that balance between all the things your life and your health seems to go on the backburner. Let's be honest it can all be abit of a maze and it's difficult not to compare yourself to others. So let's find somewhere to start. This blog is called the all or nothing because I want you to ask yourself, are you the kind of person who is all or nothing? What I mean by this is, in your past have you thrown yourself into things and seemed to thrive. This could be a job, hobby, or maybe even relationships? On the other side of the coin are you abit of a slow burner, do you prefer to take things one day at a time and develop a slow love for things once you feel more confident? If our past is anything to judge by its normally good at highlighting trends of your personality. Neither of these options are to be labeled ‘bad’ or ‘good’ but it is important to understand where you fall so you can make life changes accordingly. Who cares how you get there as long as it ends with longevity.
Let's start with the ‘all in’ people. These are the kind of people who may be abit impulsive, they decide they want to get fit or lose weight and their actions from that moment will be in keeping with their new goal. They will head to the gym X amount of times a week and maintain this, they will stick to their calories or diet and again maintain this. The kind of people that everything will come together fast, it's unlikely you’ll see these types of people half arsing something. If this is you then under realistic expectations for your lifestyle you can move towards your goals at some speed. I would suggest using this to your advantage if you want to get fit.
Maybe you’re the slow burner, to be honest most people are like this. A. Its really tough to just chuck yourself into fitness, especially when you will have muscle fatigue and finding time in the week for things like meal prep is not easy B. Lots of people really start to enjoy something once they feel confident and good at it. It is said it takes 10,000 hours to master something but how long does it take to feel comfortable and confident? If you are a slow burner it is important to not let yourself get caught up against comparing yourself to someone who is an all in person. A helpful task to do would be to think about where you’d like to be. What does health mean to you? Let's say you aim to work out x4 a week, so start off with x2 workouts weekly for a couple of months. Set yourself a timeline and start adding extra workouts so within 6 months you are doing those 4 sessions a week. Let's apply this logic to everything fitness related, if your markers of health included, meal prep, training and sleep routine for instance. We could start by making extra dinner each night as lunch for the next day, instead of having to make extra time to cook and do meal prep. You could start your sleep routine by implementing an hour-long period in which you get into bed, this gives you enough freedom to not be bang on time but will help to start to set your circadian rhythm.
If you’re struggling to find where to start and would like to find out how I can help you, we can create a starter pack of habits for you and your lifestyle. Send me a whatsapp message (link button in the footer) or DM on instagram @trainedbyzoe101